connotations and denotations


Denotation: there is a boy in the photo who looks disappointed. The background is dull and there is a broken wall next to the boy. He is wearing an old dirty dirty t-shirt.

Connotation: The slogan "dig toilets not graves" suggests people are dying and the other people, like the boy, have to dig the graves of these people. The wall in the background is broken which suggests the lack of money that these people have. The water aid mark is written in white and blue which gives connotations of cleanness.

Analysis: The advert helps the audience to understand how important water is to people like the boy on the screen. in addition, the text that says “dig toilets not graves” shows how severe the lack of water is in certain countries. Also in the corner it says “water aid”. The word aid suggests that this advert is for a charity that is probably trying to raise enough money to send clean water to children in need.

Denotation: In the photo there is a photo of an eye, a baby who has a breathing tube and a rotting lungs all on cigarette packets. 

Connotation: There are 3 different slogans mentioned in this photo all of them to do with something gory. These slogans all give the same message: stop smoking. In the background you can see that someone is holding the 3 cigarette packets. That means that someone chose these specific packs to use in their advert thinking that it would send the message across. The image of the baby in the background could reach parents specifically and encourage them to put down their cigarettes.

Analysis: The advert is clearly directed towards smokers to make them aware of the severity of their addiction. There are 3 different slogans in the photo “smoking causes emphysema” which is a lung, brain and heart disease that could lead to life threatening problems. The second one says “smoking harms unborn babies” this specific sentence reaches out too soon to be mothers, dads, aunties, uncles and grandparents telling them that their habit could be harming an innocent being. This advert has been put out to stop people from continuing with their bad habits as it can harm them and their family in many ways.


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